Carnival in Rio – sun, fun, great music, lots of colours, allegoric cars… we could experience all of this on Wednesday, 29th May. But we didn’t need to travel half of the world because Rio came to us. There was Carnival in Rio in Slovak style which was held as a part of Nitra University Days. So that Nitra also enjoyed sun, fun, great music, and lots of colours, just the allegorical cars were replaced by tractors.  However, this changed nothing about the fact that all participants were having loads of fun. Parade started in front of the main building of SPU and continued throughout the city to the city centre, where were prepared more or less known music groups. All of this was a part of event called Universities for the City, and that’s why not only students of both universities in Nitra, who presented their faculty or student organisations presented themselves in the parade, but also different interest associations of the city and drummers of the First school of samba CampanaBatucada. Despite the fact that we slowed down the traffic at the main road in Nitra, the drivers passing by didn’t mind. We had a wonderful time and everyone was leaving with big smile and amazing experience.


Karneval v Riu – slnko, zábava, skvelá hudba, množstvo farieb, alegorické vozy... a to všetko sme mali možnosť zažiť v stredu, 29. mája. Nemuseli sme ale kvôli tomu precestovať polovicu zemegule, pretože Rio prišlo k nám. V rámci Nitrianskych univerzitných dní sa totiž uskutočnil Karneval v Riu po slovensky. Aj Nitra si tak užila slnko, zábavu, skvelú hudbu a množstvo farieb, len alegorické vozy sme v duchu Slovenska zamenili za traktory. Nič to však nemenilo na tom, že sa všetci zúčastnení výborne bavili. Sprievod sa začal pred hlavnou budovou SPU a pokračoval mestom až na námestie, kde už boli prichystané viac aj menej známe hudobné kapely. Toto všetko sa konalo v rámci akcie Univerzity mestu, a aj preto sa v sprievode prezentovali nie len študenti oboch nitrianskych univerzít, ktorí prezentovali či už svoju fakultu alebo študentskú organizáciu, ale aj rôzne záujmové združenia mesta, či bubeníci Prvej školy samby CampanaBatucada. Napriek tomu, že sme na malú chvíľu zdržali premávku na hlavnom ťahu, okoloidúcim šoférom to neprekážalo. Atmosféra bola vynikajúca a každý odchádzal s úsmevom na tvári a skvelým zážitkom.