Jump to Bratislava! That was the motto of our recent trip. After successful morning run in order to catch the bus we arrived to our capital to enjoy the sightseeing as well as a little bit of adrenalin. Although the weather wasn’t completely on our side we didn’t let it to discourage us and besides already mentioned sightseeing we saw also the preparations for the White Night festival, and we also mixed into a little bit with the runners of the Colour Run. However, the weather fought very hard and because it was the time of lunch and we had to satisfy our taste buds we took shelter inside and enjoyed traditional Slovak cuisine. After a delicious lunch it was time for an adrenaline part of our trip – the jump from a bridge. I have to say that this year it were the girls who had more courage but there were also some representatives of males. Everyone who took the plunge to jump also checked out his vocal chords. Even our mascot Hoorney couldn’t resist the temptation and so he tried how it feels to fly. And his reaction? He glowingly recommends this experienced to everyone and he’s sure that one day he is going to do it again. The same thing said also our “flyers” and they added one more thing – you can regret if you didn’t try.


Jump to Bratislava! To bolo motto nášho nedávneho výletu. Po úspešnom rannom behu na autobus sme sa dopravili do nášho hlavného mesta, aby sme si poprezerali jeho pamiatky a užili aj kúsok adrenalínu. Hoci počasie nám trochu neprialo, my sme sa nedali odradiť, a okrem už spomínaných pamiatok sme videli aj prípravy na festival Biela noc, či dokonca sme sa trochu zamiešali medzi bežcov na Colour Run. No počasie s nami veľmi bojovalo a keďže nadišiel čas obeda a bolo treba potešiť aj chuťové poháriky, tak sme sa nachvíľu uchýlili dovnútra a vychutnali si tradičnú slovenskú kuchyňu. Po skvelom obede prišiel čas na tú adrenalínovú časť výletu – skok z mosta. Musím povedať, že tentokrát našli v sebe viac odvahy dievčatá ako chalani, no aj spomedzi pánskeho osadenstva sa našlo zopár odvážlivcov. Všetci, ktorí sa odhodlali na skok, dostatočne preverili aj svoje hlasivky. Ani náš maskot Hoorney neodolal a skúsil si, aké je to lietať. A jeho reakcia? Vrelo túto skúsenosť všetkým odporúča a určite si to ešte niekedy zopakuje. To isté povedali aj ostatní „letci“ s dodatkom – kto to neskúsil môže ľutovať.


We arrived in Bratislava around 10 o'clock being welcomed by two nice people who made for us a guided tour of this lovely city. The weather wasn't very good but it didn't prevent us from having a good time and enjoying the tour and all the statues all around. We went to eat dumplings (of course!) for mostly of us in a typical Slovak pub to prepare ourselves to one of the craziest activities ever: bungee-jumping. They say you cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump and that's what we did. We arrived on THE Bridge, everyone was scared to death but one brave guy just started to jump and then we all wanted to follow because it's sure as hell if you want to do such crazy things it's now or never! Nobody was really ready but when a few people showed their flying skills, we all wanted to imitate them in the best "I believe I can fly" way. After all to enjoy a well-deserved rest we went to the pub where we had a great time, we met new people and as everyone knows: pivo connects people, ďakujem! In the evening some of us went back to Nitra to rest after this amazing day and even it was raining a lot, the rest of us stayed to discover some exhibitions of contemporary arts on the occasion of Biela noc and admire the sight at night. And of course as Vivian Greene said, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sarah Malopera from Belgium