The 19th of March we - three Erasmus Students (two from Turkey, one from Austria) - had the opportunity to visit CIRCUS, a low threshold youth club. Young people, who want to have social exchange, play basketball, table-soccer… can go there. For the people who coach them it is important to create a safe space. That means, everybody is accepted the way he/she is. If clients don't want, they don't have to tell their real name, so that their privacy is guaranteed.
We drove there by bus with Petra from ESN, who is one of the people working there voluntarily. When we arrived, nobody was in the community room, so we searched outside and found them in the yard, playing basketball. We joined them and it was really fun.
After some time we went inside and chilled at the sofas they had. We had a little chat to get to know a little some of the young people there. Some of them were really shy, others very talkative.
"It was a really interesting experience and I think it's really a good place for young people to spend their time usefully."
Sarah Mani
Vo štvrtok, 19.3.2015 sa traja erasmáci ochotní pomôcť – Enes, Sarah a Melih vybrali do nízkoprahového klubu pre deti a mládež a Cirkus. V sprievode Petry Kaločayovej, pracovníčky tejto organizácie a zároveň členky ESN UKF sa dopravili na miesto určenia. Peťa im vysvetlila, ako ich organizácia funguje, a aký je jej cieľ. Návšteva nízkoprahového klubu začala akčne, erasmáci boli hneď zatiahnutí do basketbalu s deckami a pracovníkmi. Kto vyhral nie je podstatné, ale bol to veľmi napínavý a dobre zahraný zápas. Po tomto zápase si potrebovali všetci oddýchnuť a doplniť zásoby vody. V skupine sa niektoré decká odvážili naformulovať svoje otázky po anglicky a spýtať sa niečo študentov zo zahraničia. Témy boli rôzne, atmosféra pohodová a decká ešte dlho po tom hovorili, ako veľmi sa im to páčilo.
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