As each semester, Welcome Week awaited for our new Erasmus students also this one. We prepared for them many activities during this week. We started with City Tour on Monday. Nevertheless, it’s important for foreign students to discover beauties and sights of our marvellous city. However, getting to know each other is also important and that’s why we met in the teehouse to play some icebreaking games. Tuesday came with first party of this semester – Welcome Flag Party. In case that someone would forget the flag of his country we armed ourselves with face colours so that everybody proudly presented his country. Everybody had a great time and danced till late night hours. Wake up early after partying all night? Why not! Instead of alarm clock – pot-lid and cooking spoon and so we could start whit waking up. But so that you not imagine us as insensitive and malicious people I have to mention that after first shock and waking up there was a delicious chicken soup prepared for our Erasmus students which was for sure, welcomed by everyone. Later the official meeting at university was on the agenda and we ended Wednesday with evening in Slovak style. Traditional Slovak welcome wasn’t missing, as well as degustation of our meals, cheeses, and cakes, nor the folk music and dance. The dancers showed us dances from Nitra region and then the dance workshop began, where the Erasmus students had the opportunity to learn at least the basic steps of folk dance. Another day, another activity. This time we slightly checked how good are Erasmus student at pointing on target because we had bowling on our agenda on Thursday. Some were better, some not so good but important thing was that everybody was having fun again. On Friday we competed one more time. This time during Tour de Bar. Three teams, ten bars, and ten tasks that had to be completed. More difficult as well as those easy, each team completed all of them and we had loads of fun. Last day we dedicated to discovering of places around Nitra so we went on a small trip to Dražovce church nearby. After a short climb we reached the top of the hill with the church from where we could enjoy beautiful view. I won’t be telling lies when I say, that the whole week was extremely good and that all of us enjoyed it. Now I have to add just one more thing: “Welcome to Wonderland!”


Ako každý semester, aj tento krát čakal na našich nových Erasmákov Welcome Week. Počas tohto uvítacieho týždňa na nich čakalo množstvo aktivít. Pondelok sme začali prehliadkou mesta. Je predsa potrebné, aby zahraniční študenti spoznali krásy a pamiatky nášho nádherného mesta. No tiež je potrebné aj vzájomné spoznávanie, a preto sme sa stretli v čajovni pri tzv. icebreaking activities. Utorok priniesol prvú párty tohto semestra – Welcome Flag Party. Pre prípad, že by niekto nemal vlajku svojej krajiny, sme sa vyzbrojili farbičkami na tvár, a tak každý hrdo prezentoval svoju krajinu. Všetci sa výborne bavili a tancovali dlho do noci. Po nočnej zábave skorý ranný budíček? Prečo nie! Namiesto budíku postačila obyčajná pokrievka z hrnca a varecha a mohli sme sa pustiť do budenia. No aby sme nevyzneli ako necitliví a zákerní záškodníci musím pripomenúť, že našich Erasmákov čakala po prvotnom šoku a prebudení výborná slepačia polievka, ktorá dozaista všetkým dobre padla. Neskôr bolo na programe oficiálne privítanie na univerzite a stredu sme ukončili večerom v slovenskom štýle. Nechýbalo tradičné slovenské privítanie, ochutnávka našich jedál či syrov, koláče, ale ani ľudová hudba a tanec. Tanečníci nám predviedli ukážku tancov z okolia Nitry a potom sa už začal tanečný workshop, kde mali Erasmáci možnosť naučiť sa aspoň základné kroky ľudových tancov. Ďalší deň, ďalšia aktivita. Tentokrát sme tak trochu preverili mušku našich Erasmákov, pretože vo štvrtok bol na programe bowling. Niektorým to išlo lepšie, iným horšie, ale hlavné bolo, že sa všetci opäť vynikajúco bavili. V piatok sme si znovu zasúťažili. Tentokrát počas Tour de Bar. Tri tímy, desať barov a desať úloh, ktoré bolo treba splniť. Náročnejšie aj tie jednoduchšie, každý tím splnil všetky a užili sme si pri tom kopec zábavy. Posledný deň sme opäť venovali spoznávaniu okolia, a preto sme sa vybrali na výlet k neďalekému Dražovskému kostolíku. Po menšom výstupe do kopca sme si mohli užívať nádherný výhľad na Nitru a jej okolie. Myslím že nebudem klamať, keď poviem, že celý týždeň bol mimoriadne vydarený a všetci sme si ho poriadne užili. Teraz mi už len ostáva dodať jedinú vec: „Vitajte v krajine zázrakov!“