Time goes by very fast. Before we could even realise it we already celebrated fourth birthday. Because every one of us adores our ESN UKF section, we held for it monumental birthday party. We started evening with a competition. We played the game that doesn’t need to be explained to anyone, I think – the beerpong. Although some might not play the game before, I’m sure they had seen it in one of the films. So the rules were clear to everybody and we played using all our strength. Later we went downtown where we continued with the celebration. What a birthday party it would be without a cake, of course! And we had right two of them. So at the midnight we lit a candle, sang Happy Birthday and then with zest we started to cut. The cakes were really delicious, entire birthday party was outstanding and we are already looking forward to the next year when we are going to celebrate five years.


Čas plynie rýchlo. My sme sa ani nenazdali a už slávime štvrté narodeniny. A keďže všetci našu sekciu ESN UKF zbožňujeme, vystrojili sme jej narodeninovú oslavu vo veľkom štýle. Večer sme začali súťažne. Stretli sme sa pri hre, ktorú azda nikomu netreba bližšie predstavovať – beerpong. Ak aj túto hru niekto nikdy nehral, zaručene ju videl v niektorom z filmov. Takže pravidlá boli všetkým jasné a hralo sa v plnom nasadení. Neskôr sme sa presunuli do mesta, kde sme pokračovali v oslave. Samozrejme, aká by to bola narodeninová oslava bez torty! A my sme mali hneď dve. O polnoci sme teda zapálili sviečku, zaspievali si Happy Birthday, a potom sme sa už s chuťou pustili do krájania. Torta bola vynikajúca, rovnako ako aj celá narodeninová party a už teraz sa tešíme na tú budúcoročnú päťku.